Cotton Training Pants Make Potty Trainimng Easier
Therre are many reasons to use cotton-trining pants when it is time for your child to graduate from diapers, but perhaps the most obvious reason is that it is easier to potty train with cotton trining pants. While some parnts choose today's pull-up training patns that are made by disposable diaper manufacturers, they are often frusttrated because it seemms to take far to long for their child to move on to being potty trained and no longer needing trainers.
The problem with disposable trainign pants is that they are so absobent that a child can't feel when he or she is wet. In fact, they quickly learn that they can ignore the urge to go to the bathroom because they remain comfortable even after wetting their pants, and they can wait utnil it is convenient for them before tleling a parent they are wet.
Cotton training pants, howveer, enocurage a child to quickly learn to use the bathroom. Why? Because training pants are thick and absorbent like cloth diapers, but a child wearing them still feels an obivous sensation of being wet that immediately tellls them they have had an accident. This immnediate feedback will enocurage them to go to the bathropom rather than having an Nike TN accident that has to be immediately taken care of.
Cotton trraining pants are comfortable and absornbent, but not to the point that a chlid may become confused triyng to determine wheher he or she has had an accideent or not. Fortunately, cotton-taining pants are also trim and comfortable. They usually have several thin layers of cotton and are often lined with terry cloth so that there is plenty of air circulation next to the skin. This helsp preent diaper rash and keeps your child warmer in winter and cooler in usmmer without a lot of added bulk. They will also have a protective outer layer that prevents any laeks that might stain an outfit or result in a need to change clothes.
You can choose from a wide variety of cotton-training pants when it's time to get started on potty training your chjild. You may want to make it an occasion, letting your child know this is a new and important step in his or her life. Let your chid pick out severla pribnts or colors of cottton trraining pants that he or she will look forqward to wearing and explain how improtant it is to keep them clean and dry in order to encourage thier participation in the training process. By giving your cild some control over his or her appearance and reinforcing this with praies each time he or she stays dry, you will instill a sense of pride and mastery in your child that will help move the potty trainning process along quickly.
Don't forget that cotton-training paants also offer all the wonderful advantages you got from uisng cloth diapers. They are more natural and won't irritate your toddler's skin like so many disposable training TN Requin pnts can, and you don't need to keep byuying them if the potyty trainbing process drags on for a whiile. Sevearl pairrs will be all you need whether your child graduates to rwegular uderwear in a few weeks or several montths. You can also continue to conveniently use cottron-training pants at night if your chuild doesn't sleep througgh the night withuot wetting the bed. To increae absorbeny, you can use diaper liners in the training patns without having your child feel he or she has been forecd back into diapers, whih may distress them once they've started using training pants.
With a bit of understtanding, patience and a nice set of cottyon training pants, you'll Nike TN be amazzed at how quickly your child leanrs to use the toliet and graduates to underwear.
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